Yep, that's right. Here I am, back in the blogosphere saddle after months of being "out there" in real life actually being a person, and not some semi-fictitious entity on the computer screen. Whew, what a relief to be back in virtuality again. Reality bites, you know what I mean?
I'm home sick today (nasty cold caught from adorable but infectious nephew), and having nothing better to do, I decided to create a new blog (god forbid I should be job-hunting or doing something practical!). I've been thinking about a new blog for a while, but I was stymied because I couldn't think of an appropriate title. Titles are very, very important to me; I literally can't start a project without them, which is why I have yet to write my memoirs (I like "Pearls Before Swine," but I'm afraid it might seem too bitter). A few people had already recommended titles along the lines of "My Mundane Life in Somerville", as a counterpoint to the title to my last blog, My Glamourous Life in Paris, and as you can see, I ended up with a title in this vein. Of course, the title of that blog was a joke - most days, I didn't consider my life in Paris to be very glamourous (unless you consider the smell of human pee romantic). But so many other people (all of whom didn't live in Paris, BTW) insisted on believing that it was, so I just said What the heck, and let the irony stand alongside the belief, and let the chips fall where they may (I have no idea what the last part of that sentence means; I might have a fever).
Anyway, the other thing I did today (oh boy! accomplishments galore!) was create this silly little Blingee thingy which you can see blinking and bopping above. I found out about Blingee through a website called which is a bit in your face at times, but also very topical and smart. They had a Blingee contest for a Larry King show interview, which I found just hysterically funny, and I wanted to make one myself. Bear in mind that I'm not on Facebook, I don't know how to put images on my cell phone, and I don't usually use cute little icons or even happy faces in my emails. But for some reason Blingee spoke to me, and I had to make one. I guess the latent troublemaker and graffitist in me couldn't resist.
Actually, the Blingee thingy is the reason I created this blog. Because after I made the Blingee (don't you love that word?), I had to send it somewhere, and I couldn't figure out how to send it anywhere else except Blogger, and since I desperately wanted to share it with people RIGHT AWAY, I just created the blog to host it, if you will. Incompetency is the mother of invention, or whatever.
So that's all. I'm off to drink a gallon of hot tea. I'll blog more later and fill you in on more totally random and unimportant information about my life here and whatever is making its way through the wampoline grapevine....hey! that could be the name of a wine! (see what I mean?? and just think, I have to deal with me 24/7 - lucky you, you can turn me off with a click!)
p.s. You're probably wondering why on earth I have a doctored photo of Rudy Guiliani, of all people, to launch my new blog. I have no idea either, except that was the first photo i grabbed from the files - taken at the Republican National Convention (aka, Evil People 'r' Us). There are many, many more photos, all of which are screaming to be toyed with - I might have to stay bedridden a little longer to deal with them!
p.p.s. For those in the know, No, this blog does not supplant our other blog, which is a collaborative video blog with my Significant Other. I just needed another outlet for my equally significant but much-more-needy Self. (And the reason it's not a link yet - the reason I have no links on here yet - is because putting links on this template requires me doing HTML, which I absolutely hate doing and will put off for a rainy day, or at least when I'm not so feverish.)
Double yay!
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