A long time ago, in the Prehistoric era, back when I was still in college (when Pell grants still existed), I acted in a student production of Eugene Ionesco's The Bald Soprano (or, if you must be French about it, La Cantatrice Chauve). It was pretty much a play about nothing, with lots of crazy dialogue and absurd situations, involving people standing on chairs and screaming non sequiturs during dinner (in other words, a very accurate picture of my childhood). L'absurdisme, at its finest.
Where is Ionesco now, when we need him most? I can't keep up with the absurdity of the last few days. I mean, things were crazy enough already with the Wall Street mess. But now the absurdity has reached new heights, with John McCain as the head crazy train conductor. Threatening to postpone Friday's debate?? Cancelling Letterman at the last minute, saying he had to go to Washington to "fix the crisis" and then taping an interview with Katie Couric down the street while Letterman is being filmed??
Does he think the media won't pay attention to these things? Does he think everyone is as out of it as he is? Are we really picking on him, or is he setting himself up for ridicule?
I'm sorry McCain, but I have no choice but to put you permanently in the Home for the Hopelessly Absurd - hence my decision to make Tinkerbell your top advisor, and surround you with blinking hearts and cuddly animals as companions. Yep, that's my response to such craziness: make another Blingee!
On another, completely different absurdist note, I hear that Ed McMahon is doing a rap video! Say whaaat?? It's about foreclosures, because - guess what? - his own home is about to be foreclosed. This was the guy who used to introduce Johnny Carson for pete's sake! You'd think he would have had a better pension plan. Honestly you just can't make this stuff up. It actually makes me feel better about my life and its own absurd twists and turns. And hey - if Ed McMahon can have a comeback at age 85 in a genre that wasn't even invented until he was middle-aged, then surely there is hope for my own dead musical career?
"Single in My Thirties" meet sequel: "Married in My Forties" :)
the mic is ready...your audience is waiting...
LOL...Believe me, i've already thought of that title for a song, but i was afraid then i'd have to plagiarize the lyrics from my other song: My kitchen floor is filthy/I can't take it anymore/the bills aren't paid/I can't get...
Well, you get the picture!!
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