Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Seven Dwarf Selves of John McCain



Clueless (aka Dopey)

Sleepy (again)

Grumpy (aka War Hero)

Condescending (aka Doc)

Martian (aka Happy)

Sneezy (aka Allergic to the Truth)


lisa said...

It reminds me of a really funny thing that happened months ago... I had just caught part of an Austin Powers flick on tv the night before, and when I heard McCain's voice through the radio the next day, I thought at first that it was Dr. Evil speaking! Next time you hear him talk, I swear you'll hear Dr. Evil coming through. And I don't even think McCain is, well, Evil really. I just think that the resemblance, both visual and audio, is frickin uncanny and disturbing.
Jeez, between Dr. Evil and the Seven Dwarves, who is this guy?!

lisa said...

furthermore, tee hee:

(obviously i wasn't the only one!)

wampoline said...

I KNEW he reminded my of someone! you are right! LOL. Funny videos. I also see a resemblance to Dr. Strangelove...