How do you know when a blog is finished? How do you know when to throw in the proverbial towel? (or in this case, URL)? I guess you could ask yourself the same question for every endeavor in life, from a job to a relationship, though blogs seem particularly hard to let go of, since they occur virtually and out of real time, and thus could, with minor tweaking (and access to passwords), actually continue after the blogger's demise (uh, don't get any ideas...)
For me it is a matter of inspiration, or, to put it metaphorically, whether there is water in the well, or coming through the faucet. This particular blog spigot feels tapped out, for no particular reason except that it does. Oh, there are dribs and drabs, but nothing requiring a bucket to fill, no danger of a floody mess.
So what's next? Perhaps - if we can keep beating this poor metaphor to death - I will use my water divining rod to find the next source of inspiration (though I feel I already know what it is, to be revealed soon!). And maybe it's just a matter of moving the spigot over a few feet, or twisting some pipes back in place (ok, enough of the metaphor, I'm not a licensed plumber for cryin' out loud!)
Meanwhile, I have a whole heap o' photos to post before I quit, a photographic last hurrah if you will. Thanks for reading and I promise I'll leave a forwarding address!
It seems like you don't have the inspiration you had to post as you did when you were blogging from Paris. Is it the drama of an expat, that weird-eye view on the world? Or maybe life is enveloping you in a different way these days. The medium of blog does not resonate. Whatever the cause, I miss your cock-eyed look at life. But I'll have to get it some other way. I miss your words, I miss our mornings free-writing at Starbucks. Mostly I miss you.
I, too, have lost some inspiration to blog about my meandering musings...maybe it is just when life gets busy and directions change, one reaching more outwards as opposed to going inward (which a blog requires). Regardless, my blog is shifting focus to concentrate on the dog training. Life is changing once again. This time, I'm accepting that. It's not the arrival but the journey!
Lack of inspiration has definitely been a culprit, although I still take lots of photos, so i guess i'm inspired but not pushed to write about it? "Life enveloping" is a good way to describe how I've felt this past year ("family enveloping" might be another way!). I also think there is something about getting settled in a place that seems to swamp all of my energy for at least a year. After all, I didn't start blogging in Paris until i'd already been there for over three years...
But yes, I do miss my daily (or sporadic) blogging and i want to find a way to bring it back in some form...It's a fun way to communicate with y'all. Thanks for encouraging me to continue!
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