This little guy gets the prize for most original (and possibly easiest) outdoor holiday decoration in my neighborhood.
It also reminds me that I want to host a white elephant party soon - you know, where you wrap up unwanted gifts (or items from your house that you never use) and make a game of swapping them. You can read gobs about this phenomenon here - as well as see tons of different names for it (my favorite is "Steal Old Man Christmas's Bindle"). Several years ago, I got a Dinah Shore cookbook at a white elephant swap. I sold and gave away most of my books when I left Paris, but guess which one I held onto?
Funny the things you grow attached to. Something about that green sweater, I think.
Was this from my family's white elephant? This looks like something from my uncle...I love white elephants! I started it with my family 10 years ago and now it's a tradition...Do you know what Erik's dad got this year (at my cousin's house for xmas)? A live mouse, LOL!
Yes! I was hoping you would notice, LOL! I got that from the white elephant party you had in 2004/2005. It was so much fun. And yes, it was from your uncle. I've never even used the recipes (they all have a horrifying amount of mayonnaise and other 1950s ingredients) but i just like having the book. You know that i am generally averse to clutter (to put it mildly), but i believe in keeping things in your home that make you smile. Which this book does.
If it makes you smile or gives you peace, beauty and/or tranquility, it is not clutter (no matter how much mayo is recommended)...
I still have the road map of Wisconsin from my uncle...and, do you remember the "kayla" sweater? LOL Remind me to remind you about it...
Enjoyed reading and empathizing with your defense of blogging. Which I take you did for fun as it really requires no defense. So in that vain I enjoy it, use it to keep friends and my son who is far away updated on my life as it is. Also to share book reviews.
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