Fall is such a busy time. The season changes so quickly - and so beautifully - that I feel an almost urgent need to see and do everything I can to savor its richness while I can. My "harvest" this year (because I'm not a farmer - yet) has been lots of and lots of photos and little paintings of fall-like things: gourds, pumpkins, maple leaves, etc (and, as you can see, the Bell's seasoning packet - a package I've loved since childhood). There are still about two dozen things waiting to be painted on the assembly line (more gourds, more pumpkins, apples, etc). How will I possibly do them all with everything else I want to be doing at the same time - namely, cooking cozy stews at home, making a fire, walking through the woods, stringing holiday lights outdoors (to prepare for Christmas!), making pillows for the window seat (oh yes - now I have an urge to SEW for the first time in my life, good grief!), and so on and so on and so on.
And now it's Thankgiving and it's time to stop painting the Bell's seasoning and actually use it in a recipe. Time to turn my creative energies toward home, and the hearth - which I love doing, believe me - it's just that I wish I had two (or three) of me to do it all!
(That, of course, is my inner Martha Stewart talking. Fortunately, my inner Charles Bukowski is there to get her drunk and poetic later on, and forget all this striving-for-perfection holiday nonsense!)
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