After a couple of weeks of thawing temps, it snowed again yesterday, the first day of March. In fact, it's snowing right now. It snowed all night, and well into the morning. I had trouble opening the front door; there was, like, almost a foot of snow!
I can't say I'm displeased. The last few weeks have been exceptionally dull, a sort of neither/nor blankness that makes it hard to imagine anything else. I'd forgotten about this sort of "fifth season" that happens in New England: a time when any lingering holiday spirit or winter magic is really and truly gone, and the need for spring, for warmth and flowers, becomes so intense that you would almost sell your soul to have it (hence the sudden desire to move to a soulless place like Los - no, I won't mention any names).
So the snow is a nice distraction. I still feel excited about looking outside and seeing the world covered in white. And there are some fringe benefits. A healthy 45 minutes of shoveling, and - hurrah - I don't have to go to the gym. In fact, there is really no need to go anywhere right now. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.